I assume it’s because of Christmas but the latest shipment of Combat Patrol arrived. Not too bad at 10 termagants and a Psychophage. I’ve been holding off painting the last batch of termagants so I can do all 20 at once so that’s only mostly daunting but they’re fast to paint. It’s the first premium kit as well though so that’s a Hive Tyrants and Brutalis Dreadnaught for the month as well. Oh, and I didn’t finish the Terminators yet from this month but it’s not over yet so that’s fine.

Interestingly they’ve made the dread a tyrant usable in Combat Patrol by having a special mission, which makes sense. Next few models will be the extra ones they’re tacking onto the patrols as are so I wonder if they’ll do the same for them or copy the standard way of making some units a choice you make. We also get the first opt-out mini, which is Tigurius so I’ll take that to boost my Ultramarine character collection.

I built the Psychophage since it was a nice push fit kit. I did snip off the push fit pegs and glued it and then filled the worst of the gaps. Then I glued 10 base toppers on for the Termagants as well as another for the ripper swarm case that comes with them. To end the night I did a bit more picking out of details on the Temestus Aquilons as I really want to finish them this week.